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Parliament House

Government & NGOs

When navigating the landscape of global risks, resilient companies rely on intelligence for decision advantage. With timely and actionable insights you'll be empowered to safeguard personnel, support asset protection, secure your supply chain, and ensure seamless operation.

Aid, Diplomacy & Trade



Law Enforcement

Intelligence Communities

Emergency Management


Aid, Diplomacy & Trade

Policy makers require credible, timely and relevant intelligence to inform foreign policy. Research and analysis along key thematic lines keeps Australia safe, secure, and prosperous.


  • Get decision advantage by reducing uncertainty and ignorance through products that:

    • provide situational awareness;

    • explain by making judgements;

    • estimate or predict by answering what is likely to happen next if a particular policy, behaviour or action is or is not undertaken; or

    • provide strategic notice by identifying possible future challenges and helping policy makers plan, prepare, or pre-empt.

  • Share with Indo-Pacific partners: OSINT's lower security classificatin means you can share products and lessons with governments, the private sector, regional and multilateral organisations, academia and think tanks.

  • Inform outputs and effects that counter disinformation, and target the threats of people smuggling and human trafficking, terrorism, and cyber.

  • Fulfil duties as a security partner, by providing OSINT in support of building defence capability, cable resilience, climate-related security issues and space.


TRIUNE Advisory Consulting services support you in the design and delivery of open source intelligence capabilities that strengthening Australia’s influence; build OSINT skills, tradecraft and expertise; and, improve enabling services and service delivery.

TRIUNE Advisory training and workshops can integrate with new or existing intelligence reform programs, to ensure the timely delivery of OSINT to policymakers, and to facilitate the department’s understanding of intelligence community OSINT capabilities.

TRIUNE Advisory will training and workshops empower Intelligence advisors to optimally integrate OSINT as part of regular and timely intelligence support and to ensure OSINT is considered during the formation of foreign policy.

Review existing OSINT capabilities and the usage of OSINT and advise on opportunities to improve capability and integration.


When navigating the landscape of global risks, resilient companies rely on intelligence for decision advantage. With timely and actionable insights you'll be empowered to safeguard personnel, support asset protection, secure your supply chain, and ensure seamless operation.


When navigating the landscape of global risks, resilient companies rely on intelligence for decision advantage. With timely and actionable insights you'll be empowered to safeguard personnel, support asset protection, secure your supply chain, and ensure seamless operation.

Our Solutions

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